
Recommended toys according to the child’s age

There are hundreds of thousands of toys on the market, some good and some not so much. The range goes from those that do not meet even the minimum safety standards to those that, in addition to being safe and fun, are conceived with a clear educational purpose.Choosing well within this wide range is not always easy, because it is not only about knowing which is the best toy, but also which is the most appropriate for the child who is going to use it. Click here for hong kong toy fair.

Choose toys according to the child’s age

Good toys are safe, durable, attractive, manageable, and have comprehensive and understandable instructions. They must be correctly conceived from the pedagogical point of view, not transmit negative values ​​ (sexism, racism, violence …), allow the child to be the protagonist of the game and, most importantly, they must be fun, entertaining and attractive for its recipients.

The best of toys is not always suitable for all children. Therefore, you have to be attentive not only to the child’s age, but also to their tastes and needs. Consider the stages of child development: Exercise games, Symbolic games, Assembly games and Rules games while buying toys. Visit this site for hong kong toys and game fair.

Exercise games for kids

They are the first games a baby play. They consist of repeating an action over and over again for the pleasure of immediate results.

These toys favor manipulation, hand-eye coordination, the development of the senses, and the coordination of different types of movements and movements. These toys also contribute to the perception of the cause-effect relationship and self-improvement.

Symbolic games/toys for children

They begin to be observed from the age of 2 and become increasingly complex with age. Around 8 years of age, the child’s interest in this type of game diminishes. It is a game of imitation of adults, of “pretending” they were moms, dads, doctors, teachers, firemen or policemen.

Assembly games for children

Children’s interest in them progressively manifests between 4 and 7 years old and continues later with increasingly complex assemblages. They consist of fitting, assembling, superimposing, stacking, putting pieces together.