The colorectal cancer is a type of cancer which is both preventable and curable. The most common type of cancer in males is called colorectal cancer. Some of the medical journals which are written by Dr Ganesh Ramalingam will also include the medical articles. During a specific period of time, he has performed the bariatric surgery by using the multiple procedures. He has done a lot of research on the bariatric surgery to provide the best services for patients. The specialized surgeons in various areas of medicine have completed their graduation from the Royal college of surgeons. Different types of tests are conducted in order to detect the presence of the blood in the faeces. In the present days, we can observe that the medical services have been evolved to a great extent.
Symptoms of cancer in early stages:
The colonoscopy is one of the accurate form used by dr ganesh ramalingam to perform the screening. The symptoms of cancer can be identified easily with the help of the screening tests. The colorectal cancer screening can be used to identify the symptoms of cancer in the early stages and reduce the death. Both the men and women can experience the most common type of cancer called colorectal cancer. The symptoms of colorectal cancer can be identified if the cancer awareness is conducted frequently. The government concerns should be understood for the rise of colorectal cancer in Singapore and provide the necessary treatment.